Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Simple and Nonsensical

Today's wallpapers are exactly as the title says: both simple, AND nonsensical. I have a few more like these and I'm more than willing to post them!

You know the drill- Comment and Request!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today starts Phoenix Comicon

Today starts Phoenix Comicon, so have some wallpapers based on the most awesome nerd thing ever- Star Wars.

Also, there's a strong chance I won't be posting until it's over, Sunday. That's why I put in a couple extra walls.

And for anyone who wants to Cosplay on the Cheap, check out this Clone Trooper costume and this Stormtrooper costume. 70 and 62 dollars respectively. Not the fanciest, but definitely the cheapest!
Star Wars Clone Trooper Costume
Star Wars Stormtrooper Costume

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Avatar (Not the blue alien cat people)

So, here's a quick drop of 4 Avatar: The Last Airbender themed wallpapers, showing off the symbols of the four elements, in the form of their respective elements.

Comment and make requests!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


If you haven't seen the Avengers, you should as soon as possible. Very good movie. Highly unrealistic, but very good. Here are a few Avengers-Themed walls.

Unfortunately, I have none of Black Widow or Hawkeye. Well, no good ones at least.

Enjoy, and make requests!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Zeldurr and Pokeymanz.

There really never was anything quite like riding around in Hyrule in LoZ:OoT.  And to rekindle that nostalgia a bit, I thought I'd toss up a link to an artist I recently discovered on newgrounds. ChaosDragon004 does a lot of work with video game music, with some very interesting results.
Check it out:

And while this isn't quite wallpaper proportions, I thought I'd throw it in, because it just looks so bloody cool! Arcanine is one of, if not my absolute favorite Pokemon. This particular image is available in print form for $40 online, and is part of the result of taking 151 artists and having them each draw one of the original 151 pokemon. The results are astounding. But don't take my word for it, Check them out yourself:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Something to brighten up your Monday.

Figured you guys could use something to brighten up your Monday, and that something should be a blue fractal phoenix and Darth Vader riding on a Charizard like a bawss. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Just a little Romantic today

Just a little romantic scene in a Manga. Pretty sure the Manga is Spice and Wolf.

Remember to post requests if you have any!

Friday, April 20, 2012


So. Apparently, these guys are Aliens now.

Strange... I thought they were Teenage... Mutant... Ninja... Turtles.

Also, have some Avatar.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So, after taking a day to calm my rage, I think I can calmly relay this- the list is gone. The one I was working on for weeks, cataloging every goddamn wallpaper... Kaput. It was on my 500Gb External Hard Drive, and that got smashed. There goes a crapload of movies and music, too...

Anyhow. I still have all of the wallpapers, those were saved on my main hard drive, so no worries there. If there's any call for it, I can restart the list, but at this point, I doubt anyone really cares.

So, now it's gonna be back to the same system as before, if you can call it a system. Post some requests and I will fill them. If there are no requests, I'll post whatever I feel like. Hang around, engage in some friendly conversation, hell, check out the ads on my page- Adsense pays when people click the ads. (Don't overdo it, though, they hate people who just click the ads a bunch of times.) In short, if you're interested even in the slightest in my ads, check 'em out!

Now, with all that out of the way, I believe I have some requests for some sexy women. Well, out of my collection, here's all I got:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hey, guys. Nearly done with my list (Finally) but I have a question for anyone still out there.

The categories I'm currently employing are:

The question is, do any of you guys have any suggestions for more categories?

Also, obligatory wallpapers:

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Working on it

Working on the List of Wallpapers. Will post the entire thing when it's done. Until then, here's a couple to hold you all over.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Restarting this shiz

Restarting this shiz.

Also, check out the band "Enter the Haggis." They play Celtic Rock and have a significant presence in the east-coast USA. I've been a fan of theirs for a long time, figured I'd give them a little spot on my little blog. I'll be doing that for a lot of things, some of which may not be child safe or work safe. For the most part, it'll just be random stuff, and occasionally may take the place of wallpapers.Things like games I like, entertaining stuff around the internet, etc...

Furthermore, I'm going to be cataloging and tagging all of my wallpapers, for the express purpose of knowing how much I have of each category. I figure it'll end up being a 1000+ entry Excel Sheet. I'll prolly post the sheet online somewhere so folk can look through all the tags I have and make more informed requests.

So yeah.

EDIT: Forgot to link the band's site.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

And the number is Six.

So, as you may or may not have noticed, I was gone for about a week. Six days ago was my last post, actually. The reasoning is simple: Life and related Laziness. I know it only takes me a minute or two to post, but I feel like we've been doing this for eternity already, and it's not getting me anywhere.

However, it's the kind of thing where, if you keep at it, eventually it'll turn into something pretty decent.

Anyhow, I'm going to be removing the followers who've never commented on my blog. If you're reading this, and can't clearly remember commenting before, then you might want to comment on this post. I'll give it a little while so folk can claim they want to stay.

I'm also gonna post some awesome wallpapers. Seven, specifically, as I owe you guys six and want to get one more in for tomorrow, the 8th. Enjoy, and don't forget to make a request or comment or something!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Quick post again

Not a lot of time to chat this morning, gotta get to school. Enjoy this amazing Okami wallpaper, and let me know if you have any requests!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Couldn't decide again

Once again, I couldn't decide what to post. First, we have a spiffy Power Rangers version of a simple, well-known background. Note that there are, in fact, all six of them. Then we have an abstract wallpaper I simply couldn't say no to. Whoever made it deserves a free beer or something. And finally, we have an interesting quote with a well-made Calvin and Hobbes background. Great stuff... So great, I really couldn't decide which one to post!

Monday, January 30, 2012


So, you guys know how it goes: Check out this wallpaper, Make requests, do-dee-do, see ya tomorrow.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Did you miss me?

I'd miss me.

Anyhow, computer trouble, blah blah blah, here are some Miyazaki wallpapers.